Offices, by definition, are structures that are constructed to provide a solution for work and commercial spaces. The process of designing office buildings is complex as well as interesting and challenging. The complexity of design derives from the fact that the open-space office is divided into individual workstations (cubicles) serving a large number of users which increases every year.
Therefore, it is our goal to focus on good ergonomics, workspace and public space, while strictly planning complex plumbing systems that must be able to function under high pressures, providing a solution for multiple users at once.
Fire extinguishing systems are similarly complex and should be able to provide a solution in real time. Therefore, we take very seriously the design of these systems, while strictly adhering to the highest standards, supervision of the work at the site, complying with the American NFPA Standard, the 1596 Israeli Standard and the directions of the Fire & Rescue Commissioner.
Our main goal in designing office buildings is the creation of healthy and comfortable systems, which will be user-friendly, serving as an integral part of the structure, minimizing damage to natural resources and the environment.
Healthy and comfortable systems, serving as an integral part of the structure, minimizing damage to natural resources and the environment.